Mallow Maths & Science Primary Schools Initiative – Presentation of STEM Resource Kits

Over the past number of years, Mallow Development Partnership, Mary Immaculate College Limerick, Cork County Council and local industry have collaborated in a ground breaking STEM educational project involving 13 primary schools and 5 second level schools in the Mallow and wider North Cork area.
The project aims to encourage and facilitate the development of long-term interests in understanding knowledge and skills in STEM subjects among primary and second level children in Mallow and its environs.
The projects which also feeds into the Munster Maths & Science Family Fair play a critical role in establishing Mallow as the flagship location of innovations in teaching and learning mathematics and science. Mallow is now recognised as a lead district for researching and piloting initiatives and developments in teaching of Maths & Science.
The past three years have seen a sustained programme of activity with teachers and students engaging regularly with Mary Immaculate College staff to formulate a bank of science and maths exercises which will be sustained into the future through detailed reports benefiting all groups from infants to sixth class.
The aim of the Mallow Schools Project and Fair is to develop an experience for the participating children that nurtures curiosity, inquiry, problem solving and creativity. The result will be a hub of teaching and learning expertise that is very much in accord with Government National Policy on STEM while positioning the Mallow area as a centre where innovation, education and new technology are all very much to the fore.
Participating schools include :
Analeentha National School
Ballygown National School
Ballyhooly National School
Baltydaniel National School
Bweeng National School
Convent Primary National School
Gaelscoil Thomais Daibhis
Glantane National School
Rahan National School
Scoil Aonghusa National School
Scoil Ghobnatan National School
St Patricks Boys National School
Scoil Mhuire Na Trocaire -Buttevant